Friday, May 10, 2024

Overheard in the corner table.....

Economically the greatest number of decision makers is better than lesser. Not only is the greatest number of decision makers more desirable but wrong decisions should be discouraged by penalizing the ability to create further wrong decisions by reducing the amount of capital to make those similarly wrong decisions. 

Sunday, April 09, 2023


 "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People

It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Problem With Slavery

 Long Flourishing History

All down thru history governments accepted slavery as a matter of money and war. In Africa, different peoples as in others, practiced genocides against each other and sold different of their own neighboring groups into slavery.

Regardless of Intensions

The U.S. Constitution however is the first and only organized attempt, let alone successful attempt, to eliminate slavery and bondsman ship within their juristrictions. This was succeeded in a great civil war in which a historic death count was evidenced.

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Learning I am more ignorant than I realized

 We cannot prove anything, except to each our own satisfaction. The wisdom of the ancients recognized this when they wrote that God did not want proof. Why? Because proof gives the false impression there is an alternative to faith. 

Speaking literally now, we all are thinking in faith with not all the complete facts yet available since when we learn something new it includes more we did not know that we did not know. What is gospel to one man is hearsay to another and inadmissible in regard to proof. 

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Playbook for Presidents

 Never react to anything, especially the opposition. The weakest position is that of a reactionary. Let him tell his own story and others will tell theirs. 

Anyone who wants to be president usually is only comfortable in the center of attention. Make sure others react to you, but never the other way around. 

Anyone who insists he does not agree with you, is ignorant of your views. Bring his views up to date by attributing brilliance to his, in truth, agreement with yours. Always be pleasant. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Selling the truth

When deciding the truth of anything, including the truth anywhere you read it, I find it is helpful to remember to deduce the motive as well. In the "political news" this is so obvious that it is more easily seen than anywhere else, and is sometimes not only humiliating, but starkly embarrassing as well, because partisans typically, I find, wear no clothes. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Everyone Speaks for their own benefit

The Reactionary is Doomed

The reactionary is doomed! Doomed to repeat the ideas of their opponents. Play up and propagandize the views of anything that is wrong! Has anyone ever heard of any great deal of effort or of time, by those in political reactors explaining or advocating free market capitalism? Therefore, the political reactionary's views are starved from neglect and the endless ravages of opponents will turn them into ghosts in a wax museum. 

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

The eye sees but not its' own reflection

From out of the heart the mouth speaks. Especially true in gossip and its' hearsay twin, politics. Strong minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Weak minds discuss people, usually credited to Socrates.