Thursday, August 19, 2021

Leaders and judges

 There was quite a crowd around the corner table recently. They were talking about politics in the Bible, about leaders leading and judges judging.

Unfortunately for us all, the original possibility of the discussion throughout, corruption, came from the specific Ecclesiastes 3:16 translation. 

 Corner Table is a round table
with only two legs.

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Facing facts hard for some

According to Thomas Sowell, facts framed his decision making. This was his central word and he hit upon it when asked why he changed his mind from Marxism. Dramatically, with a so slight a pause, and a slow smile on his face, said simply facts

Often many only believe what they want the facts to be. I'd have to call it utopianism. I still today recall vividly a Harvard professor speaking on television in front of his class saying to the affect that if what I say does not agree with the facts then the facts are wrong!